Bake Magazine

Honey, Ginger and Peach Coffee Cake


Sweet Roll Dough

Ingredients Bakers % Total %
Bread Flour 80 800
Cake Flour 20 200
Milk 40 400
Eggs 15 150
Honey 5 50
Sugar 10 100
Salt 2 20
Osmotolerant Yeast 2 20
Butter, Cold 30 300
Total 204 2040


Pastry Cream

Ingredients Bakers %
Milk 500
Honey 40
Yolks 90
Cornstarch 38
Sugar 60
Butter 30
Vanilla Bean 1 each



Simmer milk with honey and split and scraped vanilla bean.

Whisk together the cornstarch and sugar. Thoroughly whisk in yolks.

Temper milk into yolk and starch mixture and return to a boil, stirring vigorously.

Remove from heat and mount in butter.



Ingredients Bakers %
Almond Paste 180
Brown Sugar 180
Granulated Sugar 180
Butter, Cold 330



Sift the sugars and flour.

Cut in the almond paste and the cold butter .

Variations: can add spices, nuts or oats.

Pan 550 grams of dough in a prepared 10" cake pan.

Top with 120 grams of pastry cream.

Top with 200 grams of fruit.

Top with streusel.

Proof 1-1.5 hours at 80°F.

Bake 385°F for 20 minutes with three seconds of steam.

Unpan carefully, but immediately.

Formulation courtesy of the National Honey Board