Bake Magazine

Old Fashioned Coffee Cake




¾ cup soft margarine
¾ cup light brown or superfine sugar


1½ cups self-rising flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 eggs
3 teaspoons instant coffee, dissolved in 2 teaspoons boiling water
1/3 cup butter, at room temperature
1 1/3 cups confectioners' sugar, sifted
3 teaspoons instant coffee, dissolved in 2 teaspoons boiling water
2 oz semisweet chocolate, melted


Beat all of the cake ingredients in a mixing bowl or a food processor until smooth.
Divide the mixture evenly between 2 x 7 inch layer pans, greased and base-lined with oiled waxed paper, and spread the surfaces level. Bake in a preheated oven, 350°F, for 20 minutes until well risen, the cakes are browned and spring back when gently pressed with a fingertip.
Leave the cakes for a few minutes then loosen the edges, turn out onto a cooling rack and peel off the lining paper. Allow to cool.
Make the frosting. Put the butter and half the confectioners' sugar in a mixing bowl, add the dissolved coffee, and beat until smooth. Gradually mix in the remaining confectioners' sugar until pale and creamy.
Put one of the cakes on a serving plate, spread with half the frosting then cover with the second cake. Spread the remaining frosting over the top. Pipe or drizzle swirls of melted chocolate on top. This cake can be stored in an airtight container for 2–3 days in a cool place.

Formulation coourtesy of Hamlyn All Colour Cookbook