Bake Magazine

Blueberry Pomegranate Slider



Baker’s Request™ Devil’s Food Cake Mix
Dawn® Blueberry Icing Fruits
Vanilla VelveTop™ Icing
Dawn® Rich ‘N Glossy Icing
Whole Blueberries
Pomegranate Seeds


Prepare Baker’s Request™ Devil’s Food Cake Mix per bag instructions. 

Cut cake into 3” circles. 

Mix Dawn® Blueberry Icing Fruits with Vanilla VelveTop™ Icing to create blueberry-flavored whipped icing. 

Ice two cake layers with blueberry whipped icing and stack together. 

Top with final cake layer and ice with Vanilla VelveTop™ Icing. 

Drizzle with heated Dawn® Rich ‘N Glossy Icing. 

Garnish with whole blueberries and pomegranate seeds. 

Formulation courtesy of Dawn Foods