Astro Doughnuts & Fried Chicken offers special doughnut to “Heal the Bay"
On Saturday, September 15, Heal the Bay’s Coastal Cleanup day will take place in Los Angeles County. In coordination with a statewide and global movement, volunteers will look to make a big dent in removing trash and debris from the environment.
As part of the efforts, Astro Doughnuts & Fried Chicken has announced that it will be handing out free doughnuts to the first 100 participants at the event. The restaurant, which opened in Los Angeles last year, has also introduced a special doughnut to benefit Heal the Bay.
From September 15 through November 15, all proceeds from sales of the “Heal the Bay” doughnut go to the non-profit organization. The limited-time doughnut, which is inspired by tiki cocktails, features a blue-marble coconut glaze, and is topped with pineapple and graham cracker crumbs.
“I've been an avid supporter and fundraiser of Heal the Bay for many years, and am excited to offer a doughnut that will help support this great cause and keep our beaches clean,” says Art Levitt, West Coast Partner of Astro Doughnuts & Fried Chicken.