Bake Magazine

Austin bakery announces 10,000 Loaves Community Challenge to help feed the city


Easy Tiger is planning to bake and deliver 10,000 fresh loaves of bread to the Central Texas Food Bank, Keep Austin Fed, Drive A Senior and Mobile Loaves & Fishes in Austin, Texas. All four organizations are experiencing a dramatic increase in need due to COVID-19 and related employment and school shut-downs.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the Austin bakery has rapidly stepped up production to supply Central Texas H-E-B grocery stores with fresh bread daily, as well Whole Foods Market, Fresh Plus and other grocery and restaurant partners.

Easy Tiger has an ambitious plan in place to bake and deliver 10,000 loaves to Austin residents in need in the next 60 days. The bakery will cover all labor and fixed costs to bake and deliver each loaf, and is asking for community support to help pay for flour and other essential ingredients to make the bread.

“We are kickstarting this challenge by pledging at least 2,000 loaves to feed Austin. We are asking our community to also chip in $3 so our most impacted residents can enjoy a high-quality, nutrient-dense loaf of bread during this uncertain time,” says Mike Stitt, chief executive officer of Easy Tiger.  “We are grateful to be part of this community and hope we can generously support Central Texas Food Bank, Keep Austin Fed, Drive A Senior and Mobile Loaves & Fishes, organizations that are working overtime right now to feed impacted families and the homeless in our community.”