Bake Magazine

Cinnaholic shares the love this Valentine’s Day


Cinnaholic, the bakery chain known for its gourmet, plant-based cinnamon rolls and desserts, is treating customers this Valentine’s Day to love-inspired treats.

The Valentine’s Day menu items will include chocolate covered strawberries, the Chocolate Covered Strawberry Roll and Sweet Heart Boxes which include two chocolate covered strawberries, two brownies, two cookies, and two rolls.

Cinnaholic will also offer premium chocolate covered strawberry options that include: regular; chocolate covered with a topping of choice; nut variety with almonds, coconut, pecans and walnuts; and no nuts variety with chocolate chips, Oreos, sprinkles and pie crumble. Customers will have the option to upgrade their sweetheart boxes to include premium options.

Customers are encouraged to check their local Cinnaholic Facebook page for more details and store hours to take advantage of the Valentine’s Day offer.