Bake Magazine

Macaron Merchandising


Over the past couple years, French macarons have begun to infiltrate American bakery cases. At the 2012 Europain show in Paris, France, the deilcate cookie was seen in a multitude of varieties and uses. From eye-catching colors to pastry toppers, you can find a million different ways to use the French macaron. Here are just a few ideas:




  • Fill the inside with cream and whole pieces of fruit, such as raspberries or cherries.
  • Use one side of the sandwich to top a pastry or cake.
  • Showcase macarons in small, medium and large sizes.
  • Prepackage mini macarons in a variety of colors.
  • Add finishing touches such as sprinkles.
  • Use them as cake decorations on the top or around the sides of a round cake.
  • Stack mini macarons on top of large ones for an upsell.
  • Place macrons in your showcase between more complex pastries to add a simple accessory to the case.