Bake Magazine

Pastry Live competition winners announced

Pastry Live is proud to announce that Chef James Satterwhite of Charlotte Country Club is the first place winner of the Signature Plated Dessert competition. Nine of the top pastry chefs in the nation competed, with just three hours in which to prepare their “signature” dessert. Each dessert was judged according to design balance, presentation and most importantly, overall flavor execution. 

Chef Satterwhite’s “Almond Apricot Harmony” dessert featured an impressive number of components, demonstrating to the judges his mastery of time management as well as flavor composition. A seamless combination of apricot, almond and milk chocolate, his dessert earned high marks from the judges for its overall taste and balance. Each component of his dessert was meticulously placed, earning him praise from the judges for its artistic structure. From his excellently crafted dessert to his professionalism within the kitchen, Chef Satterwhite decidedly earned his first place standing. 

But, it was a tough decision for the judges, as second place winner Chef Amanda Parker of Villa Christina also earned exceedingly high scores. Her “Banana Panna Cotta and Chocolate Hazelnut Biscuit” dessert featured a passion fruit banana sorbet and brûléed banana slices. Chef Parker’s dessert impressed the judges with its flavor profile and texture, representing her culinary style well. Garnished with a ring of banana tuile and caramelized hazelnuts, Chef Parker created a beautifully presented dessert.

Third place in the competition was awarded to Chef Leslie Davis of CocoFlow Chocolate Café. Chef Davis’ “Chocolate Yuzu Panna Cotta” featured colorful garnishes and bright flavors, including edible flowers and a raspberry hibiscus granite. Her dish consisted of several complimentary components, creating both an interesting flavor profile and design makeup, earning solid scores from the judges.  

The Signature Plated Dessert, Pastry Live’s newest competition, called for pastry chefs from restaurants and hotels across the nation to create and present eight plates of just one dessert that best represented their signature culinary style. Pastry Live wishes to congratulate all of the winners, as well as thank each of the competitors for their professionalism, hard work and dedication.