Bake Magazine
Source: Michael Carr Photography

Three Brothers Bakery to celebrate 75 years with Children’s Business Fair


On Saturday, May 18, Three Brothers Bakery will celebrate 75 years in the Houston, Texas community with a Children’s Business Fair. Presentations/proclamations and a ribbon cutting will take place from 8:40 am to 9 am and the fair from 9 am to 12pm. Awards to the children will be given at noon.

“We thought about how to give back to the community for their support of Three Brothers Bakery over 75 years and decided the Children’s Business Fair is a unique way to give back and hopefully help these budding entrepreneurs to become – who knows – the next Dell Computer,” says Bobby Jucker, 5th generation baker. “Additionally, this year marks the start of the family’s 200th year of baking history. We just wanted to have some fun while we say thank you for letting us be a part of your sweet memories for 75 years. This celebration is about our wonderful community, which is why we are still here.”

Fair vendors are ages 6-14 years old. They develop a brand, create a product or service, build a marketing strategy and open their “store.” There will be awards and prize money given out with the biggest prize going to the vendor with the highest sales.

In addition to Three Brothers Bakery as the major sponsor of the fair, it is also sponsored by the Acton Academy, the Acton School of Business, The Next Great Adventure, BrandGear Promotional Products  and parking sponsor – The Barvin Group, which has donated its property for parking.