Bake Magazine

FMI and United Fresh co-locate 2014 tradeshows

The Food Marketing Institute (FMI) and United Fresh Produce Association are proud to announce the co-location of their 2014 conventions, June 11-13 in Chicago, IL. This premier tradeshow and education event will bring together the retail and fresh produce industries and highlight the shared interest in providing high quality, fresh selections to consumers. The show will offer retail and produce executives unprecedented value in the opportunity to connect with customers and industry counterparts.

"Consumers consistently point to the importance of the produce section as a compelling reason in selecting their primary store, so FMI members, in recognition of the eminence of the fresh category, are delighted we are again partnering with United Fresh as we bring FMI2014 back to Chicago." says Leslie G. Sarasin, president and CEO of FMI. "The focus on fresh is a return to our food retail roots that is especially appropriate in the year our show stages a return to one of the most renowned food towns."

“We’re excited to once again co-locate with FMI for United Fresh 2014 in Chicago,” says Tom Stenzel, United Fresh President and CEO. “The co-location of the United and FMI shows is a perfect setting for produce and retail executives to explore the flavors, variety, innovation and sales growth opportunities available in fresh produce.”

The reunion of FMI and United Fresh follows the successful 2012 co-location in Dallas, TX, which attracted more than 14,000 attendees and featured 2,800 exhibits covering one million square feet.