Bake Magazine

Shopper-centric retailing the theme of ABA business session


The March 27 morning business session of the American Bakers Association’s 2017 annual convention will feature insight from two executives on driving industry growth through shopper-centric retailing.

Jean-Michel Fally, principal with Deloitte Consulting, and Win Weber, chairman and chief executive officer of Winston Weber & Associates, will present “Jump starting bakery sales: evolving from category management to new shopper-centric retailing.” The executives will identify what bakers need to know to position themselves to take advantage of the evolution away from the category management model. Additionally, they will review the key components of shopper-centric retailing, the advanced shopper solutions planning process, retailer operational changes and the implications for bakers as a key retail supplier.

“Every year, our mission is to give ABA members a convention program that will not only inspire them, but also challenge them,” says Robb MacKie, president and CEO of the ABA. “I think this year’s speaker lineup will give attendees many takeaways to contemplate back at their companies.”

Deloitte Consulting is a management consulting firm that provides a range of consulting services to manufacturers and retailers in the consumer products industry. As principal, Mr. Fally leads Deloitte’s U.S. Food Retailing Strategy and Operations practice. He has more than 18 years of experience with expertise in retail process change, merchandising, supply chains, sustainability, and supplier collaboration. His retail and wholesale experience focuses on food and discount formats: supermarkets, supercenters, wholesale clubs and convenience stores. He frequently speaks at other food business associations and leading universities on the topics of customer experience, retailer supplier collaboration, and retail ecosystems.

Winston Weber & Associates Associates is a consulting firm offering category management implementation and retailer partnering, including strategic planning, marketing, and consumer research. As chairman and CEO, Mr. Weber is recognized as one of the original architects of category management and for introducing retailer/supplier partnering to the United States, Mexico, Australia and Asia. He also is known as the leading expert in the evolution from category management to shopper-centric retailing. He has authored numerous articles on partnering, category management, shopper marketing and related subjects and continues to be a guest speaker on these topics for numerous industry associations and corporate gatherings.

The 2017 ABA convention will take place March 26-29 at the Boca Raton Resort and Club in Boca Raton, Fla. For more information visit