Providing pie deals on Pi Day
Since then, pie shops throughout the U.S. have looked for ways to capitalize on the homophonous relationship between pie and Pi’s similar pronunciations. Pie shops and bakeries will offer specific deals to bring customers in the doors.
Many shops will look to provide customers with slices of pie for the specific price of $3.14, such as Achatz Handmade Pie Co. in Michigan and Scratch Baking in Durham, North Carolina.
Others will look to get really creative with the Pi relationship. Three Brothers Bakery in Houston, Texas will give a free pecan pie to any customer who can recite 75 numbers of Pi. The bakery started the deal last year with the same offer, but for the recitation of the first 10 numbers. However, having realized how many smart individuals could easily do that, Three Brothers Bakery stepped up the challenge for this year.
One particular pie shop is going big with its pie opportunity. Grand Traverse Pie Company in Michigan and Indiana is holding its 3rd annual Pi Day Video Contest, which will award someone with free pie for a year. Participants must post a video reciting pi to the company's Facebook or Instagram page by March 14, and the best overall video that is informative and entertaining wins the Grand Prize.
Last year’s winner was Mary Gossell, a music student at Michigan State. She sang the first 50 digits of Pi, but was unique in assigning each digit to a specific pitch.
As you can see, there are plenty of creative ways to take advantage of Pi Day. How will you make the most of it?