Bake Magazine

Arcade Bakery’s Famous Laminated Baguettes


Arcade Bakery in New York City has earned critical praise for exceptional breads, and one of the most notable products the bakery offers is the laminated baguette.

These delicious delights have a truly unique makeup that won’t be seen at many bakeries. The house-laminated baguette is wrapped in laminated dough, much different than the standard baguette. Laminated dough is made by folding butter into dough multiple times to create very thin alternating layers of butter and dough.

This technique creates for a buttery, croissant-like baguette, one that has impressed some not-so-easily impressed individuals.

"Normally baguettes don't have butter in them. The thing that's so amazing about them is that they're basically a baguette wrapped in laminated dough: a baguette which is already delicious wrapped in butter, which is even more delicious,” said New York pastry chef Kierin Baldwin. “Butter and salt are key ingredients in my pastry kitchen, two kind of jokes that never get old. That's why it appealed to me: It's flaky like a croissant on the outside from all that butter, and then has a nice chew of a baguette in the center. It's absolutely delicious.”

The bakery’s signature laminated baguette is the Pear Vanilla and Buckwheat baguette. It is a savory bread augmented with slightly sweet dried pears and lightly scented with vanilla. The vanilla flavor works well with the pear flavor without overwhelming it.

Roger Gural is the mastermind behind Arcade Bakerys menu, which also includes homemade pizza for lunch. He is trained in the French style of bread baking from the French Culinary Institute (now the International Culinary Center). After graduating from that program, Gural went on to bake at Bouley Bakery, Amy’s Bread, Le Fournil Borriglione, Almondine Bakery, and Bouchon Bakery before teaching the art of bread for five years at the ICC.

Gural’s credentials are extensive, but one of his biggest claims to fame is being chosen by Thomas Keller and Daniel Boulud to represent the US at world bread competition the Mondial du Pain in 2009.

Needless to say, Roger Gural and the rest of the Arcade Bakery team are gifted when it comes to bread baking. That shows in the satisfied customers who have left glowing reviews of Arcade Bakery and its brilliant French breads and pastries baked fresh every day until closing.