Ranker finds top comfort foods
Few things in life cause as much satisfaction as comfort foods. These guilty (or non-guilty) pleasures lift your mood when you’re feeling down, or they enhance your mood when you’re happy.
Whether sweet, salty, savory, sour, or bitter, comfort foods do exactly what they say and comfort us. But which one is the most preferred among the public? Ranker found that out recently, when it asked users what comfort food was the most comforting.
So far, the ranking website has received over 65,500 votes on the question, with a very surprising choice for #1. Here is the Top Ten Comfort Foods, according to Ranker:
10. Donuts
9. Fried Chicken
8. Chocolate Chip Cookie
7. Mashed Potatoes
6. Macaroni & Cheese
5. French Fries
4. Pizza
3. Ice Cream
2. Chocolate
1. Grilled Cheese Sandwich