Bake Magazine

Cutie Flower Cookies


1. Make cut-out cookies using a flower shaped cookie cutter.

2. Ice them using a run sugar method.

3. These icings were colored using Lucks Green Airbrush Color (Item #10162), Pink Airbrush Color (Item #10165), Lavender Airbrush Color (Item #10163), Yellow Airbrush Color (Item #10167) and DecoPac Leaf Green Premium Gel (Item #45274).

4. Use a #2 plain round tube (Item #11041) or #3 round tube (Item #11022) for your outlines, and then fill in with the run sugar.

5. Add any or all of the Cute Butterflies Dec-Ons® decorations (Item #45149), Bumble Bees Dec-Ons® decorations (Item #45148) and/or Lady Bugs Dec-Ons® decorations (Item #45147).

These look great plated or featured in cookie gift bouquets.

To order everything you need to decorate these cookies, please click here.

Decorating idea by Kasia Wilk