Shaped Football Cake
1. Ice the cake and comb sides with a decorating comb.
2. Mix three batches of colored icing using DecoPac Premium Gel in Leaf Green, Golden Yellow and Super Red.
3. Airbrush the top third of the cake in an irregular cloud-like pattern with Lucks Blue Airbrush Color.
4. With a #2B large basket weave tip —serrated side up—pipe foreshortened “bleachers,” as shown, in white icing; carefully sprinkle this area with Primary Non-Pareils to effect the look of fans in the crowd.
5. With a #5 plain round tube and white icing, pipe a football shape somewhere on the field; it should be approximately 4.5” long and 3” wide, and can be flat, or it can be slightly domed. If doming for dimension, be sure that your mound is between ¼” and ½” tall. Your outer ball dimensions should also decrease slightly.
6. With a ribbon insertion tool fitted with the pointed blade or an X-ACTO type razor knife, cut the football form free from it’s background, from the All Star Variety Pack Edible Image® designs; apply this football to your white icing football shape.
7. Using a #22 star tube and green icing, fill in the field area with “grass”; when this step is completed, use a small paintbrush or a Wooden Rose Stick to smooth a few “field lines.” Fill these furrows with white icing in a #5 tube.
8. With the #22 star tip and red icing, pipe the bottom border; with the #32 star tip and golden yellow icing, pipe the top border.
9. With a #5 tube and red icing, pipe a few “action” lines behind the football, as shown; reiterate these lines with golden yellow and a #3 tube.
10. Finish with a combination of Football and Helmet Assortment Dec-Ons® Decorations along the sides of the cake.
To order everything you need to decorate this cake, please click here.
Decorating idea courtesy of Lucks