Pride of Denmark Danish Mix 1/50 LB
Granulated Sugar 1/50 LB
Coating Sugar 1/25 LB
Bavarian Creme Filling 1/38 LB
Mango Filling 1/40 lb
Guava Filling 1/40 lb
Make up the dough following the directions provided on each bag of Westco Pride of Denmark Danish Mix. As you scale, add 1 oz. of margarine to the mixing bowl for each pound of mix. Develop the dough to a good clean up.
Divide and Refrigerate
Rest the dough for 10 minutes; then scale into 2 oz. pieces (or a 5-pound cut on a dough divider). Place them in a refrigerator for up to 24 hours (8 hours minimum).
Proof and Fry
Next, remove from the cooler and let them rise to ¾ size. A moderate proof box works best. Fry them at 360?F for 70 seconds on each side, then let drain well.
Roll in BakeSense Granulated Sugar while still warm; you can also use Westco Coating Sugar. Malisadas can be served filled or unfilled. If filled, we recommend using Westco Bavarian Filling or try using Trigal Dorado Mango or Guava Fillings for a more tropical flavor.
Recipe courtesy of BakeMark