
Ingredients Kilograms Baker's %
Sir Galahad Flour 2.500 100
Water, 65°F 2.500 100
Yeast 0.003 .10
Total 5.003


Final Dough

Ingredients Kilograms
Sir Galahad Flour 7.500
Water 3.100
Salt 0.180
Yeast 0.123
Diastatic Malt 0.200
Butter 0.500
Poolish 5.003
Total 16.605

Overall Formula

Ingredients Kilograms Baker's %
Sir Galahad Flour 10.000 100
Water 5.600 56
Salt 0.180 1.8
Yeast 0.125 1.25
Diastatic Malt 0.200 2
Butter 0.500 5
Total 16.605 166.05


Poolish: Mix ingredients until incorporated. Cover and let rest 12-15 hours at room temperature.

Final Dough: Mix 3-4 minutes in first speed. Mix 4 minutes at second speed.

Desired Dough Temperature: 75°F.

Bulk Fermentation: 20 minutes.

Divide 100 g and pre-shape cylinders. Rest 20 minutes. Shape as pretzels and place on pans with silpats or heavy duty parchment.

Leave at room temperature for 30 minutes, cover and refrigerate for 2 hours; OR cover and refrigerate 12-18 hours with no room temperature. Dip in 4% sodium hydroxide solution. Salt and score.

Bake at 450°F with no steam, about 15 minutes.

Formulation courtesy of King Arthur Four