The television show Friends first premiered on NBC on September 22, 1994. It went on to be one of the move beloved and influential sitcoms in television history, as millions of people continue to watch its re-runs on syndication and streaming services.
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the premiere of Friends, Sprinkles Cupcakes created a special dozen box of cupcakes for the month of September. From now through the end of the month, customers can order a dozen red velvet cupcakes decorated with moments and quotes from the show’s history.
Among the decorations are the show’s iconic orange couch and picture frame, as well as the character Joey’s famous line, “How you doin’?” and the character Phoebe’s song “Smelly Cat.”
“Sprinkles is thrilled to toast the 25th anniversary with cupcakes inspired by the hit TV show,” the company’s Vice President of Marketing & Sales Allison Click tells the New York Daily News. “Limited editions like this as well as our Game of Thrones inspired cupcakes or our Flaming Hot Cheetos flavor resonate with our current guests and inspires new fans as well!”