Facebook offers a platform for over 1 billion unique active users, many of whom are viewing videos on the social media juggernaut over four billion times per day.

With that many eyeballs on it, Facebook has become an immensely popular avenue for advertising. There is any number of ways for bakeries to reach potential customers, but Facebook Live has become one of the most useful tools in their arsenal.

For those unfamiliar with Facebook Live, it was launched in 2015 as Facebook’s answer to popular livestreaming apps such as Periscope. The process of livestreaming has been simplified on Facebook, with just a few simple steps. When users are ready to go live, they simply tap the update status button on their phones and select the Live Video icon.

Before the video begins, users can select a description (title) that will go on newsfeeds and in notifications to followers.

Once broadcasting begins, the number of viewers, the name of verified people or pages that are tuning in, and any comments that are made in real time can be viewed. After the live video ends, it remains on newsfeeds and your page, where you can edit it further.

How can a retail bakery take advantage of this incredible feature? If you haven’t checked it out already, you will be amazed at its capabilities. For instance, you can provide followers with inside looks at your bakery and its processes, things that the average person might not see but would be interested in learning more about.

Three Brothers Bakery performed a live baking demo during National Baking Month in January.
Another way in which Facebook Live can help your business is through promotion, whether it is for an event coming up at your bakery or for a new product you want to advertise. This live video essentially acts as a commercial for your business, free of charge.
Facebook Live is also a fantastic way for you to connect with customers. After all, that is one of the primary reasons for your business to be on social media in the first place. By engaging with them, you are showing that you care and that there are real people behind the business. You could answer questions from Facebook users as you shoot live, or provide tutorials. The possibilities are only as limited as your imagination.
Before you start streaming live videos, make sure to the quality of video you’re providing is high and that the audio is sufficient. Users will scroll away quickly if neither is up to standard. Also, make sure you know exactly what you’re going to do before you start, unless improvisation in the point. You don’t get a chance to fix your mistakes with live video, so be careful. You will also want to end your broadcast with a call-to-action, such as newsletter signup or request to check out your store or products either in-person or online.
Finally, remember to have fun with it! Facebook Live is a great marketing tool for your business, but it is also a chance for the public to see your personality. If they are able to connect your online persona with the products you offer, your bakery will see positive results.