2. Mix three batches of colored icing using DecoPac Premium Gel in Leaf Green, Golden Yellow and Super Red.
3. Airbrush the top third of the cake in an irregular cloud-like pattern with Lucks Blue Airbrush Color.
4. With a #2B large basket weave tip —serrated side up—pipe foreshortened “bleachers,” as shown, in white icing; carefully sprinkle this area with Primary Non-Pareils to effect the look of fans in the crowd.
5. With a #5 plain round tube and white icing, pipe a football shape somewhere on the field; it should be approximately 4.5” long and 3” wide, and can be flat, or it can be slightly domed. If doming for dimension, be sure that your mound is between ¼” and ½” tall. Your outer ball dimensions should also decrease slightly.
6. With a ribbon insertion tool fitted with the pointed blade or an X-ACTO type razor knife, cut the football form free from it’s background, from the All Star Variety Pack Edible Image® designs; apply this football to your white icing football shape.
7. Using a #22 star tube and green icing, fill in the field area with “grass”; when this step is completed, use a small paintbrush or a Wooden Rose Stick to smooth a few “field lines.” Fill these furrows with white icing in a #5 tube.
8. With the #22 star tip and red icing, pipe the bottom border; with the #32 star tip and golden yellow icing, pipe the top border.
9. With a #5 tube and red icing, pipe a few “action” lines behind the football, as shown; reiterate these lines with golden yellow and a #3 tube.
10. Finish with a combination of Football and Helmet Assortment Dec-Ons® Decorations along the sides of the cake.
To order everything you need to decorate this cake, please click here.
Decorating idea courtesy of Lucks