Sirha World Cuisine Summit highlights global trends on the horizon
Sponsored by Anne-Sophie Pic and Annie Féolde, the Sirha World Cuisine Summit during Sirha 2019 in Lyon, France, proved both surprising and enlightening. Exceptional speakers including Amir Nahai, Olaf Koch and Chef Alvin Leung shared their views on the major challenges facing the future of the food industry.
Three key influences globally on the rise are flexitarism, locavorism and practicality. Issues concerning the quality and selection of products are among the first mentioned by consumers: they feel responsible for what they order and what they eat, as well as for the consequences on their health and the environment in general.
As a result, demand for vegetal and local food is soaring and affects all types of catering as well as the suppliers. The focus on health does not preclude the pleasure of eating, as consumers want to do their bodies good while eating good and natural foods, regardless of the type of catering establishments and region of the world.
Finally, today’s consumers and chefs are now in constant contact so as to better enjoy, avoid the irritants and offer a smoother eating experience.