NPD: Food supply chain has held up remarkably well
The bakery and grocery cases that were left barren in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, for the most part, are back to their pre-COVID states. In the week ending May 28, 68% of U.S. grocery shoppers reported to The NPD Group that they hadn’t encountered any out of stocks of the foods and beverages they were shopping for during the week.
This scenario wasn’t the case for 32% of shoppers who did experience out of stocks when they shopped for foods and beverages during the week ending May 28, according to the findings of NPD’s NET COVID-19 Pantry & Food Strategy Tracker.
Although consumers have moved on from the panic grocery shopping that they did in the early stage of COVID-19, they still maintain the same level of foods and beverages inventory. Across all categories, there has been only a 3% drop in the estimated number of food and beverage packages on hand in homes compared to early April, reports NPD.
Like meat, pasta, rice, and beans also improved in availability with 10% of consumers reporting out of stocks of these categories during the week compared to 24% of consumers in the previous week. A greater number of consumers, 33%, reported out of stocks of water, coffee, tea, and juice in the week ending May 28 compared to 25% of consumers unable to find these beverages in the previous week. Other categories where a higher percentage of consumers were reporting out of stocks in the week ending May 28 compared to the previous week were fruits, vegetables, and potatoes, increasing to 25% of shoppers from 18%; dairy (milk, cheese, dairy alternatives), increasing to 17% of consumers from 8% of consumers in week ending May 21.
“With the majority of households still preparing all their meals and snacks in-home in May and the continuing supply chain challenges, limited or out of stock situations are inevitable,” says David Portalatin, NPD food industry advisor and author of Eating Patterns in America. “Considering the unprecedented situation that the COVID-19 pandemic has presented over the last few months, the U.S. food supply chain has held up remarkably well.”