Bake Magazine
Source: BakeMark

Featured Formula: Mardi Gras Cupcakes


Yields 48 - 2 oz. cupcakes


  • Westco Extra Rich White Cake Mix 30420
  • Trigal Dorado Pineapple Gelatin 19295
  • Trigal Dorado Grape Gelatin 19296
  • Trigal Dorado Lemon/Lime Gelatin 75157
  • Westco Vanilla Buttercreme 30900
  • BakeSense Vegetable Oil 17067
  • Sprinkelina Green Sprinkles 92461
  • Sprinkelina Yellow Sprinkles 92281
  • Sprinkelina Purple Sprinkles 92462


Scale & Mix

Cake Mix: Scale and mix the cake mix according to the instructions on the bag for a small batch. Use your scale to weight all the ingredients, including the water.

Make Up

Split evenly the batter into 3 bowls equally, roughly 24 oz each. Mix in 2 oz of the Trigal Dorado Pineapple, Grape, and Lemon/Lime into each of the 3 bowls of batter. Mix until gelatin is stirred in thoroughly. Line a cupcake mold with baking cups. Pour each flavored batter in to an 18 inch pipping bag. Then pipe 1/2 an ounce of each flavor, one at the time to make three layers into each baking cup.


Bake at 320 degrees for 12 min or until fully baked. When using a conventional oven or reel oven set temp 20 to 30 degrees higher.


Once cupcakes are completely cool, using a star pipping tip pipe 1.5 ounces of vanilla butter cream and finish with yellow, purple and green sprinkles.


Formulation courtesy of BakeMark