Bake Magazine

Premium baguette is result of new partnership


Philibert Savours, creator of tastes, became associates with Mecatherm, specialist in bread?making lines, in order to bake the Premium baguette directly at the brand’s booth during the 2012 iba exposition in Munich, Germany.

With the exhibition now closed after having marveled more than 70,000 visitors, Philibert Savours and Mecatherm give an overview of their first partnership.

Mecatherm showcased the “Mécaflow” – its latest generation bread?making process – by preparing Philibert Savours’ new Premium baguette in its booth. This way, the companies demonstrated how they can enhance the potential of any high?end bread?making line, allowing the cooking, on hearth or on baking sheets, of a superior quality baguette indistinguishable from those made by artisanal baking methods.

The Premium baguette was the perfect candidate for the demonstrations: though industrially baked, it still reconciles a crisp crust with a soft, alveolate crumb, all while offering a beautiful amber color for visual panache.

Every day, an average of fifty visitors came to attend the demonstration and the tasting of this baguette; based on reactions, it caused vivid interest. Particularly appreciated by Europeans and Americans looking for quality traditional bread, the Premium baguette, prepared with the speed of Mecatherm’s “Mécaflow”, encountered great success.

This partnership was a first for Mecatherm; the brand, by associating with Philibert Savours, made the choice of a demanding expert, designer of gustative solutions for the food industry & process engineer with a strong desire to simplify methods. Thanks to this synergy of competence, the two companies efficiently demonstrated to the attending professionals all the benefits of the “Mécaflow” and the various characteristics of the Premium baguette. They succeeded in streamlining the baking process while still guaranteeing unfailing quality for every batch.

One particularity of the revolutionary process developed by Philibert Savours’ and Mecatherm’s partnership is that the actual baking is done on nets. This innovation gives the Premium baguette its soft and alveolate crumb in just two and half hours instead of the usual three and half.

The shortened production time can therefore provide industrial bread?makers maximum productivity. The patent can easily be installed and operated by all professionals, enabling the making of top?quality baguettes every day, to adequately answer the demand brought on by large numbers of discerning customers. Furthermore, the Premium baguette can rightfully claim a “clean label” certification since it does not contain any E?number additives.