Bake Magazine
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Strictly From Scratch

Strictly From Scratch introduces new breads, pastries at Walmart


Strictly From Scratch, the Phoenix-based commercial bakery that develops a vast range of sweet and savory breads and pastries for large-scale wholesale distribution, is pleased to announce several new items that will soon be available at select Walmart locations around the country.

“We are grateful for our existing partnership with Walmart and look forward to expanding our offerings to their shoppers,” said Strictly From Scratch founder and owner Rudy DePaola. “Whether private labeled or branded under our own name, we strive to produce high-quality, fresh and delicious items that are affordable and easily accessible.”

The new Walmart items include the following:

The Hispanic Platter, available at select Hispanic Walmart locations around the country, features Mantecadas, Concha Topped Mantecadas, Piggy Cookies, Mexican Wedding Cookies, Cuernitos and Tri-Color Polvorone, all branded under the Strictly From Scratch label.

The Breakfast Platter, also branded under the Strictly From Scratch label, with Apple Danish, Raspberry Danish, Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls, Raspberry Cinnamon Rolls, Chocolate Chip Muffins, Almond Bear Claw, Raspberry Bear Claw, Apple Cinnamon Tea Loaf and Lemon Tea Loaf.

These platters will be available within the next 30 days. This fall, Walmart is also set to carry the following items from Strictly From Scratch:

Apple Danish (two-pack)

Almond Danish (two-pack)

Cheese Danish (two-pack)

Raspberry Danish (two-pack)

Mixed Color Concha Mantecadas (six-pack)

Chocolate Palmiers (six-pack)

Palmiers (six-pack)

Tri-color Polvorone (two-pack)

Cheese Coffee Cake

Strawberry Cheese Coffee Cake

Founded in 1995 by Owner Rudy DePaola, Strictly From Scratch develops and distributes a wide array of high-quality bread and bakery items to major outlets. Considered the “go-to guys” in the industry, Strictly From Scratch tirelessly tests new products daily and recently launched its own line of Hispanic bakery products that will bear the Strictly From Scratch name. The company proudly holds Kosher certifications by the Orthodox Union, is a certified member of the American Institute of Baking and maintains top auditing marks within the BRC.