Keep up with the latest in food safety
Understanding the proper equipment, plant and process designs critical to food safety remains vital for those responsible for these functions in bakeries and snack manufacturing plants as well as those who design the equipment. Leading industry associations and a host of experts will assist engineers, sanitarians and plant managers to get a handle on these issues during an Equipment and Plant Design Workshop for Allergen/Pathogen Control in Low-Moisture Foods.
The workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, March 12 and Wednesday, March 13, at The Allen Hotel in Chicago, IL. Because of overwhelming demand for this workshop, the sponsors — including the American Bakers Association, AIB International, the American Society of Baking, the Biscuit and Crackers Manufacturers’ Association, BEMA, the Food Processing Suppliers Association, the National Confectioners Association, the National Pasta Association and the Snack Food Association — have scheduled this, its sixth offering, for their members as well as any producer of low-moisture snacks and baked goods.
Members of the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) Sanitation Share Group including representatives from companies such as ConAgra Foods, General Mills, Kellogg’s and Rich Products will lead attendees though the GMA Principles of Design.
Sessions planned include Salmonella and Environmental Monitory, Building a Food Safety Culture Starting with Equipment Design, Cleaning Procedures and Validation, Lot and Line Segregation for a Clean Break and an update on the Food Safety Modernization Act.
The two-day workshop included a continental breakfast both mornings as well as a cocktail reception and tabletop exhibit on March 12. The workshop will conclude at noon on March 13.
For more information or to register, visit