RBA Roadshow plans next stop in Seattle
On Sunday, March 3, the Retail Bakers of America will host the second in the new RBA Roadshow series. The event will take place in the Seattle area.
Designed to bring bakers, cake decorators, vendors, students and educators together, this one-day event will be held at Renton Technical College in Renton, WA. RBA is building on the success of the RBA Road Show-Chicago, the first in regional education programming that RBA provides.
The day will begin with the ever popular bakery tours. Tour participants will visit Bakery Nouveau, Cupcake Royale and Shoofly Pie. The program then segues into the vendor showcase which is a table-top trade show with top vendors from the baking industry.
Vendors include Dawn, BakeMark, Bella Cupcake Couture, Puratos, Lucks and many more! A buffet lunch will be served during the vendor showcase.
Attendees will have a great selection of educational offerings to choose. The educational offerings will be in the afternoon and include:
Fun, Single-Serve Desserts (Charra Jarosz)
The Art of Shoe Making (Norm Davis and Zane Beg)
Brushed Embroidery and Advanced Piping Techniques (Mary Ann Quitugua)
Pricing for Profit: "As Seen on TV" Cakes (Beth Fahey)
Craving Success: A Start-Up Junkie's Path from Passion to Profits (Melody Biringer)
Champagne Wishes and Budweiser Budgets: Defining Your Sales Process (Renee Rouwhorst)
All-Natural Baking (Puratos)
Baking with Whole Grains (Tina Powers)
Laminated Doughs: Danish and Puff Paste (Erhard Volcke)
The program will end in time for attendees to travel home or to spend time in the Seattle area. The schedule for the Road Show is:
Bakery Tours (7:30am - 11:30am)
Buffet Lunch (11:30am - 1:00pm)
Vendor Showcase (11:30am - 5:00pm)
Educational Sessions (1:00pm - 5:00pm)
Kenneth Downey, RBA president, says that “RBA’s refocus on education has made the RBA Road Show a signature piece of our programming for the bakery industry and our members. We hope to continue to build on the success of the first Road Show in Chicago and to move to more areas of the country to reach the bakers where they live.”
Pricing for the event is as follows:
All Inclusive: (tours, lunch, vendor showcase and education): $125.00
Tours, Lunch and Vendor Showcase only: $75.00
Education, Lunch and Vendor Showcase only: $75.00
Vendor Showcase only: $20.00.
Tickets may be purchased on Eventbrite at http://rbaroadshow.eventbrite.com/