Fun facts about Valentine’s Day spending
• Valentine’s Day spending is expected to reach more than $17 billion nationwide.
• 141 million cards are exchanged worldwide – (second to only Christmas in card sales).
• The average consumer will spend $126.
• Men spend double what women spend - $168 compared to $85.
• 85% of women prefer quality time with their significant other instead of a gift.
• 52% of women say they feel guilty if their significant other spends too much on a V- Day gift.
• Half of women say they would end the relationship if their significant other forgot V-Day.
• 198 million roses bought on V-Day (mostly red).
• Folks will spend $1.7 billion on followers - 73% bought by men, 27% by women.
• 8 billion candy hearts will be produced - enough to be laid out from Rome, Italy to Valentine, Arizona – 20 times and back again.
• 11% of Americans will get engaged on V-Day.
Photo courtesy of Cakegirls