Bake Magazine

Actress opening Jennifer’s Way Bakery


Jennifer Esposito, the Brooklyn-born actress who was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2009, this month is opening her first bakery, Jennifer's Way Bakery, on East 10th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue in Manhattan, NY.

According to a recent blog post, she writes, “I’m happy to say Jennifer’s Way Bakery is ALMOST here. A gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free, soy free, peanut free, allergy friendly, organic bakery that will be a SAFE ZONE and the CELIAC STANDARD for gluten free baked goods. I’m going to also make it a center for information about this disease, and a place to find understanding and support.”

Esposito writes on her website that she created Jennifer’s Way as an answer to be the Celiac Standard, requiring only the purest, healthiest, organic, non GMO ingredients. “All made in this gluten free facility in small batches to ensure quality, nutrition and taste! For the celiac, the gluten challenged and anyone who wants to live a healthier life.”