Bake Magazine

Northfield Millls offers gluten-free products

In the past year, there has been considerable discussion surrounding gluten and its role in a nutritious diet. For some, such as those with celiac disease, it can be potentially deadly to ingest gluten. Others, who may not have a gluten allergy, have been left to wonder if a gluten-free diet could benefit them as well. Although one should always consult a physician before altering his or her diet, cutting back on gluten and replacing it with beneficial nutrients found in other foods can improve one's energy, mood, and overall well-being.

Northfield Mills, a company that specializes in gluten-free products, recommends that those with a gluten allergy or who are looking to eat healthier peruse its selection of mixes online. All of its products are certified by the Celiac Sprue Association (CSA), meaning that each of Northfield Mills' products exceeds the FDA's gluten-free definitions, so customers know that they'll be receiving the highest quality foods at competitive prices.

"At Northfield Mills, we encourage individuals to try our great-tasting gluten-free and kosher products, including gluten-free muffin mix and cake mix. Unlike other gluten-free products, which can taste unnatural, chalky, or gritty, our mixes lead to foods that maintain their original texture and flavor. Transitioning you or your family into a healthier eating regimen has never been easier or more delicious," says Sam Levy, president of Northfield Mills.

The company currently offers nine premier gluten-free options, including cookie mix, pizza dough mix, brownie mix, and pancake and waffle mix. Each box is also manufactured in a designated gluten-free facility to ensure the highest levels of satisfaction.

"Just because you're sacrificing gluten from your diet doesn't mean you should have to sacrifice your favorite foods as well. Create a healthy, tasty breakfast for the whole family with our pancake mix, or bake a delectable birthday cake with our signature gluten-free cake mix, which maintains the same moistness and consistency as a normal cake. With Northfield Mills products, making healthier eating choices is affordable, simple, and tasty," says Levy.

These top-of-the-line products are currently available in various shops across the states, and customers may visit their local supermarket to request that they stock the products as well. For more information, individuals may visit the company's website at, and customer service representatives are available to respond to any questions by calling 1-855-N-GLUTEN or by filling out a simple form online.