Bake Magazine

Pastry chefs innovate with breakfast creations


Pastry chefs across the country are starting to draw inspiration from the flavors and shapes of breakfast foods to create new and interesting desserts. While the idea of breakfast items for dessert is not new (think doughnuts, for example), this latest trend injects more playfulness and creativity.

For example, a sous chef at Three Degrees in Portland, OR, crafted a cereal milk panna cotta and has used both Cap’n Crunch and Cocoa Krispies in the recipe.

Breakfast ice cream is the brainchild of a pastry chef at R’evolution in New Orleans, LA. Cinnamon rolls are broken up and infused into half-and-half to make a cream, which is then spun into ice cream. Candied bacon bits are later folded in, and the ice cream is served over a crumbled biscuit.

Other breakfast-turned-dessert items rolling out around the country include the following:

  • Pop Tart ice cream sandwiches (Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s restaurants nationwide)
  • Bacon-infused ice cream garnished with Cap’n Crunch and chocolate-covered Rice Krispies (W hotel in Los Angeles, CA)
  • Belgian waffle flavored with vanilla bean, dark rum, lemon zest, and orange zest and topped with salted butter ice cream, toffee crumble, and black current syrup (Eastern Standard in Boston, MA)
  • Pistachio waffle with cranberries served with chocolate-honey ice cream and cranberry compote (B Too in Washington, DC)

Do you have any breakfast-inspired items on your menu? Leave us a comment and let us know!