Bake Magazine

Millennials seek more variety in bakery


Providing key insights from the IDDBA’s newest research, Laurie Demeritt, CEO of The Hartman Group, told attendees that fresh perimeter departments like bakery and deli can drive store preference, as well as drive store migration. Yet store loyalty and shopping patterns vary (sometimes dramatically) by generation.

Overall, 71% of US households now shop five or more retail stores at least once a month for food. According to the IDDBA’s new report, “Engaging the Evolving Shopper: Serving the New American Appetite,” Millennials shop at nine retailers for groceries (over three months). Boomers shop at six.

In the bakery, it's no wonder retail innovators like Blue Star Donuts in Portland, OR, are enjoying success with a unique selection of flavors.

And nearly half (46%) of Millennials will leave their primary store for a preferred store when it comes to fresh prepared. By comparison, 35% of Boomers do the same. Overall, a quarter to half of all shoppers will look beyond their primary store to get what they need.

“Fresh perimeter is driving store preference and store migration via the search for better variety,” Demeritt explains.