Bakery club partners with veterans group
Vet2Tech will exhibit along with B.C.C. at the annual conference of the American Society of Baking (A.S.B.), March 1-3 in Chicago.
“Both the manufacturing and service side of the baking industry need help finding qualified employees,” said Carol Multack, president and chief executive officer of Vet2Tech. “Hiring veterans for available positions is not only the right thing to do, it’s just smart business. Veterans possess the aptitude and attitude necessary in today’s competitive workforce. They understand what it means to work hard and get the job done right the first time.”
Chris Heina, director of business development at Cobblestone Ovens in Elk Grove Village, Ill., noted he found a solution to his company’s shortage of qualified maintenance technicians and other key employees by turning to Vet2Tech for assistance.
“We need younger and more technically savvy technicians,” he explained. “Today’s rack ovens and combi ovens are infinitely more complicated than the previous generation’s revolving tray ovens, deck ovens, fryers and steamers. Multiple layers of programmability exist in all of these equipment types. As a result, we need technicians who know how to use technology, such as smartphones and tablet computers, and understand how to troubleshoot this increasingly complex equipment.”
Cobblestone hired four veterans in the past year with the help of Vet2Tech.
Last year, Vet2Tech participated in B.C.C.’s annual golf outing with a “Vet2Tech” sponsorship hole. Money raised by B.C.C. members went to directly support the efforts of helping veterans find employment in the baking industry.
Vet2Tech will be at A.S.B.’s BakingTech 2015 tabletop exhibits to show the baking industry how participate in the veteran hiring program and to discuss tax incentive programs available for hiring veterans.
To find out more about Vet2Tech, go to