Bake Magazine

ClubRational grows to 65,000 members


A year ago, the cooking appliance specialist, Rational, provided its customers with a new version of ClubRational. Since then, more and more chefs have been using the internet platform to get tips for their kitchens. In one year, the Club has grown to 65,000 members worldwide.

Professional chefs are increasingly turning to ClubRational to benefit from the experiences of Rational experts. 15,000 chefs joined the Club in the last year alone. Recipes from all kinds of categories and the application videos with tips on preparing a wide range dishes are popular. Club members also mainly use the platform to download the free software updates for their Rational appliances.

Users welcome the fact that ClubRational is also very easy to use. Rational believes that it is important that customers can navigate the site. Each chef must get the information they need and which is of interest to them in seconds, claims the manufacturer. Anyone opening a recipe will also get appropriate suggestions for similar dishes.

Rational continually adapts the club to customer requirements and wishes. Trends are also taken into account. For example, the manufacturer has added many new vegan recipes and a vegan cookbook in the last few months. Members themselves can also create recipes. In order to enter instructions for complete menus and more elaborate dishes, all recipes can now be shown with up to four different cooking processes.

It costs nothing to join ClubRATIONAL. Customers and potential purchasers can register at with their name and e-mail address. ClubRATIONAL is also available as a free app for Android and IOS devices.