Bake Magazine

Software firm offers online blog


TwinPeaks Online, a software company in Pasadena, CA has launched a new blog —a first for the company, which has been in business for almost 30 years.

“We’re pleased to be launching this blog, as it has been a long time coming,” says company founder George Keushguerian.” “Our products are among the finest in the industry, and it’s time we start sharing the knowledge we’ve learned over the years with a wider audience. We’ve incorporated these ideals in our products, but this serves as the first time that we’ve really laid everything out in written form about how the right type of software can help people to achieve true success.”

The TwinPeaks Online blog will focus mainly on its time tracking application POMeTIME, detailing how the software can be beneficial for modern businesses of all kinds, with features that include biometric thumb print recognition. The company has been creating virtual applications to help streamline time tracking and retail sales for a long time, servicing clients across all industries. Keushguerian says it’s time to give back and start building a stronger relationship with TwinPeak’s audience, and that the company’s blog is the perfect vehicle.

“We absolutely love the people we work with,” says Keushguerian.” “Our customers are our lifeblood, and the more we can educate them on the benefits of using software for tracking time and handling transactions, the better we’ll be at doing our job.”

Twin Peaks has already published 2 blogs, titled 3 Reasons Why Every Business Needs Time Tracking Software and 3 Reasons Why an Android Tablet Combined with a Web-based Back-end is the Answer to Time Tracking.

For more information about the company, visit  

For more information about the product and the blog, visit