Bake Magazine

Hudson features Armed Forces Day special


Hudson Group will again offer free coffee to uniformed members of the US and Canadian Armed Forces at more than 50 cafes across North America, beginning on US Armed Forces Day (Saturday, May 16). The promotion will continue throughout the Memorial Day weekend. It will include Victoria Day and Canada Day, and will conclude at midnight on Independence Day, Saturday. July 4.

The offer is in addition to the regular 20% discount that Hudson Group offers to all active North American service men and women. The free coffee will be available in 52 Hudson-operated Food & Beverage locations, including Euro Cafe, Dunkin' Donuts, Aeromart, Alki Bakery (Seattle), Jason's Deli and TexPress Gourmet (Dallas Love Field), Carpe Diem (Mobile) and Cups (Jackson, MS).

Signs and banners at participating cafes in airports and transit terminals across the country will invite service men and women to order a cup of "joe" on the house, courtesy of Joe DiDomizio, Hudson Group's President and CEO.

Last year, following his appearance on a segment of the CBS-TV show Undercover Boss, Joe promised one of the Hudson employees who appeared with him on the show that the company would offer a month of free coffee to honor America's service men and women. The employee has close family ties with the military.

As Joe noted: "A simple cup of coffee to honor those who serve…at the request of someone who spends her life happily serving others…seemed a perfect expression of our company's values and purpose, to be 'The Traveler's Best Friend.' So this year Hudson is again honoring the commitment to pay tribute to our dedicated men and women in uniform, while honoring our own outstanding employees."

Hudson Group, the largest duty-paid travel retailer in North America, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of international travel retailer Dufry AG (DUFN) of Basel, Switzerland. Hudson Group operates over 700 Hudson, Hudson News, Hudson Booksellers, cafes, specialty retail and duty free shops in 70 airports and transportation terminals in the United States and Canada.