Bake Magazine

IDDBA seeks cake decorators for 2016 challenge


The International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Association’s™ 21st annual Cake Decorating Challenge will be a featured event at the annual Dairy-Deli-Bake Seminar and Expo, to be held June 5-7, 2016, in Houston, TX. 

Three supermarket decorators will have the opportunity to create show-stopping displays that promote their artistic abilities and show off the talent and hard work that sells cakes for their companies.

Judges are looking for decorators who have skills in three areas: production cakes, theme cakes, and wedding cakes. The challenge begins with creating enough production cakes to fill an 8' bakery case. Day Two is devoted to the creation of a custom-design wedding cake. On the last day, each contestant will decorate three cakes, one from each category: special occasion, IDDBA show theme—Growing the Future, and decorator’s choice. Three contestants will compete for first, second, and third place trophies. IDDBA will cover transportation, lodging, and meals for each contestant during the contest. Materials and tools will be provided and each contestant will be able to keep the full set of professional cake decorating tips and supplies used for the challenge.


It’s easy to enter. Decorators just need to send a photo album of their best cakes along with an entry form. Supermarket retailers may enter as many cake decorators as they choose. The deadline for entering is February 19, 2016. Visit, for more information and an entry form. Contact Jessica at 608-310-5000 or, with any questions.