Cinnamon rolls top Santa’s wish list this year, according to survey
Image courtesy of Cinnabon.
54% percent of Santas indicated that a warm cinnamon roll is the treat they would most like to see waiting for them by the tree during a long sleigh ride. Chocolate chip cookies are the second preferred treat, with 37% percent of votes, and fruit only garnered 8% of votes.
Hot chocolate was the beverage of choice for most Santas, earning 42% percent of the vote, while 38% percent said they'd prefer the traditional cold glass of milk.
Cinnabon reached this conclusion after surveying hundreds of Santas from two of the nation's largest Santa communities: The International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas and The ClausNet Santa Claus Network, as well as from many more Santas at last weekend’s Santacon in New York City.
Regardless of whether cookies or cinnamon rolls are the preferred treat for jolly old St. Nick, he will definitely appreciate a warm treat when he visits homes this Christmas.