Bronwen Weber talks mini wedding cakes and more
As the owner of Frosted Art Bakery & Studio in Dallas, Texas, Bronwen Weber supervises one of the most influential and innovative cake studios in North America. Her cake designs range from out-of-this-world scuplted cakes to the tiniest mini wedding cakes (made with special 3-tier molds that are just a few inches tall) you’ll ever see.
"You can have these molds made for you," says Weber, who taught classes and made presentations at the Atlantic Bakery Expo on April 3-4 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. "I bake a big cake and cut them all up to size."
Cupcakes on a stick are another trend in the wedding cake business, Weber says. She provided numerous tips and techniques at the Atlantic Bakery Expo.
Weber is a tireless educator who shares enormous levels of insights, techniques and words of wisdom for the many thousands of cake decorators who attend her classes. Anyone who meets her quickly learns that Bronwen Weber absolutely loves her work, and it shows.
“I love that my days aren’t typical,” she says. “Somedays I am airbrushing zombie heads. Sometimes I am cranking out 9-inch dessert cakes for Neimans, and somedays I am meeting with ‘the fancies’ designing cakes. Somedays I am working on the structure involved in a giant cake. But typically I am super happy, typically laughing, and typically full of sugar or chocolate. I love my job and often think of this quirky pink bakery as home.”
Born in Calgary, Alberta, Weber got her first bakery job at the age of 14 at a donut bakery in Acton, Ontario. “I got to fill the donuts, decorate long johns, make pot after pot of coffee and burn the soup,” she recalls. “I lost my taste for donuts for several years, but remain fully committed to my love of coffee that started here.”
When it comes to favorite ingredients, Weber today says that she thoroughly enjoys working with modeling chocolate and wafer paper. “I love how modeling chocolate holds its shape and tastes delicious. Wafer paper just makes me smile.”
Her work and life philosophy are one in the same. Be happy. “My goals are to maintain a happy staff and happy clients.”