Similarly, the newly constructed Bio Springer Culinary Center is also the result of bringing services that Lesaffre originated in France to the United States for the purpose of better serving the demands of customers in North America. The Culinary Center will expand the capabilities of Bio Springer North America, the Lesaffre Group’s global manufacturer and marketer of yeast-derived products for the food, pet and biotech industries. The new Culinary Center will serve as a hub for the development and improvement of yeast extract products, training and tech support for their customers.
As a fully operational kitchen, the Culinary Center is equipped to meet the growing needs of Bio Springer’s customers and react to new trends in their evolving industry. By bringing the center’s advanced capabilities to the U.S., Bio Springer will be able to more efficiently create new products for North American customers, shortening the amount of time between initial research and development to product launch considerably. In addition, collaboration will be a cornerstone to the new center, not only enabling collaboration between Bio Springer and their customers, but also between their counterparts in the Baking Center.
“A major differentiating factor for our North American Culinary Center is that it shares the space with the Baking Center. As a great advantage, we’ll be able to collaborate, share ideas and bring additional resources to our customers that can also benefit from the capabilities of the Baking Center and their team of experts, ” says Jessica Vogel, Marketing Manager for Bio Springer North America.