Project Apis m. (PAm) and the National Honey Board (NHB) recently announced that PAm will be administering the NHB production research funds starting in 2017. This collaboration will streamline efforts to support the beekeeping industry, by merging the NHB funding opportunities with several other efforts which PAm coordinates. The NHB funds are collected by a federal research and promotion program ($0.015/lb) with one of the focuses to conduct research which includes maintaining the health of honey bee colonies. In 2016, these funds were $416,000.
The National Honey Board (NHB) is an industry-funded agriculture promotion group that works to educate consumers about the benefits and uses for honey and honey products through research, marketing, and promotional programs. The Board's work, funded by an assessment on domestic and imported honey, is designed to increase the awareness and usage of honey by consumers, the foodservice industry and food manufacturers. The ten-member-Board, appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, represents producers (beekeepers), packers, importers and a marketing cooperative.
Project Apis m. is the largest non-governmental, non-profit honey bee research organization in the USA. Established by beekeepers and almond growers in 2006, PAm has infused over $6 million into bee research to provide growers with healthier bees resulting in better pollination and increased crop yields. In addition to funding a variety of research projects, PAm produces Best Management Practices for beekeepers and growers, provides Seeds for Bees to supplement bee forage in agriculture, and supports graduate students through scholarships to encourage their pursuit of science-based solutions to honey bee challenges.