World-renowned pastry chef Vanessa Musi, known to audiences as The Noble Baker, today announced that she will be hosting her first free English seaking Healthy Baking Webinar.
The event will take place Saturday January 28, 2017 at noon central time. You can register for the webinar here.
In this webinar, titled Scones Master class: gluten free, dairy free and low sugar recipe, participants will learn how to make the Master Recipe for Scones. This recipe is, as evidenced by the title, gluten-free, dairy-free, and low sugar.
Musi promises that she will teach which flours to use, why and how to combine them, achieving the perfect texture, how to bake with low glycemic sweeteners, and how to make different variations on what she calls "Master Recipes" so you can make many recipes out of one.
Vanessa Musi was diagnosed with hypoglycemia early in her culinary career, forcing her to adapt. She studied her craft, consulted with doctors around the world, and redefined baking principles, all in order to create her new baking concept known as Noble Baking.